Kevin Barbour (White) vs. Willie Seymore (Black) 07/04/2014
2014 World Open U1600 Round 9
"Never Give Up"

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This was the last round of my first World Open in which I played in the U1600 section. I came into the tournament on a high note having gone undefeated in the U1400 in my first tournament (the North Carolina Open) and having picked up my qualification games in local tornaments against stronger opponents. So it took me aback when I started the tournament with an 88 move loss with the white pieces. I followed the opening round loss with another defeat in round two before picking up my first World Open win in round three. Despite the round three victory I found myself with only 1 win and 1 draw by the time game six was completed. I bought a new Chess set following round six and determined to enjoy the event and experience despite all of the negative outcomes and feelings I had endured up to that point. I took it as my mantra to "never give up" and began to enjoy myself a little more as I adopted a defiant tone in my play and I won games seven and eight before sitting down to this game. What I didn't know when I started was that this ugly duckling of a game would come to epitomise my theme for the last thrid of the tournament, "never give up". I even had that emblazoned on every shirt I bought at the event.

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